Vanessa Mathews
Vanessa is a clinical psychologist and board approved supervisor.
Vanessa enjoys working across the lifespan with all ages and has worked at Perth Children’s Hospital and King Edward Memorial Hospital before moving into private practice.
Vanessa has done further post graduate training in attachment based therapy including circle of security, EMDR, schema therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy and somatic therapy.
She works from a trauma informed approach and incorporates a warm, empathic, curious stance in collaboration with clients to understand how behaviours and relationships are often shaped by life experiences,patterns and defences that have been developed over time and may no longer be required.
Vanessa was previously a hospice nurse and is open to working with people with most mental health presentations including anxiety, mood disorders, relationship difficulties, adjustment and life transitions including parenthood, workplace difficulties, retirement, menopause difficulties, grief and loss and illness and health concerns. She also works with concerns with self esteem, body image disturbance and ADD and ADHD. In addition Vanessa takes on select clients with eating disorder presentations.
Vanessa understands the courage it takes to be vulnerable and attend therapy and ensures a safe, non judgemental environment she enjoys both long and short term therapy and is open to working with her clients to tailor therapy according to individual needs.